Wind Data - Carman Bay, Lake Minnetonka, MN
Last update: 09:45 AM - 8/16/2022. Next update: 9:50 am.
Current WX:Temp: 74.9  Max gst this hr: 5.0 - SW Windchill:  74.9 Today's Hi: 75.8 at 9:31 AM Today's Lo: 64.0 at 3:18 AM

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Wind Data
Max gust today - 5.0 S at 9:37 AM
Max gust last 10 minutes 5.0
Maximum gust last 10 to 15 minutes 5.0
Maximum gust last 15 to 30 minutes 5.0
Maximum gust last 30 to 60 minutes 5.0
Maximum gust last 60 to 120 minutes 4.6
Average wind last 10 minutes 0.9
Average wind last 10 to 15 minutes 0.4
Average wind last 15 to 30 minutes 0.0
Average wind last 30 to 60 minutes 0.2
Average wind last 60 to 120 minutes 0.1